Over all, a good game, the story elements may not be as focused as previous fallout games but it makes up for that with two things.
1.more game play elements
2.more accessible mods
What I mean in by more accessible mods is on fallout 3 xbox edition, you can't get mods with a little menu button, but in fallout 4 you have it right there, it says mods. Once in the game world, the graphics look decent, not ground breaking, I also noticed the more mods you have the slower the game runs, which makes sense. There is an illusion of choice in the game, sometimes saying no doesn't work, but it isn't everywhere. Real quick, I want to mention the mod restriction on consoles, if you use console, you have 2 GB, its put there because consoles aren't as strong as most pcs, and without it you would have freedom, but too many mods would really start to break the game. but if you have a pc, no worries. now onto the main reason I'm giving a 4 star review, I would have given a 5 star review, but, the game, is so glitchy, sure they try to patch it sometimes, but the glitches never leave.
I still love this game though, but it just can't take a 5 star review.