So far so good. It’s like your usual Ubisoft game. Honestly reminds me a lot of wild lands. The story is unique and I love that we don’t have a lightsaber but the blaster is pretty unique. The game has customization BUT I honestly think it’s lacking in the department. Don’t go into this thinking it’s going to be IN DEPTH because you’re just going to ruin your expectations for this. Kay is a Okay-ish character and maaaaaan does Nix really complete her and to get to the overkiller OP person, you don’t simply just lvl up. You have to find characters to train you in the scoundrel ways and I thought that was a pretty fresh new idea. There’s a lot of side stuff to do… a pretty good bit jam packed in there. The syndicated system seems to be well and good but like the customization in the game, I thought it was lacking…still very enjoyable tho. If I had to pick out some flaws with this I HATE that there is no guide to your locations at all. I have to constantly keep pulling up the map to find every road and turn…just breaking the immersion for me. But most importantly THE SPEEDER NEEDS FIXING.