This is an example of everything you could possibly do wrong with a zombie movie.
I WILL give them credit for scary and fun zombies. However the transition time between zombies swings wildly for once again, making the plot convenient to manipulate.
I think by far the BIGGEST failure this show makes is the absolutely AWFUL decisions the characters made. There’s multiple situations the characters put themselves in that make ZERO sense, and it’s obvious the writers/directors just wanted an easy out to forward the plot.
The characters are absolutely UNRELATABLE AND UNLIKABLE. There was WAY too inflated of a cast, so there’s never any really character development to relate yourself to them and their situation. I ACTIVELY found myself asking characters why they are making specific decisions. If they were properly built characters, an audience should never have to question why a character makes a specific decision.
The worst BY far of these characters is the main characters daughter. We have ZERO background on her.
Why didn’t she evacuate with everybody?
Don’t know.
How did she stay alive this whole time?
Don’t know.
Why does she not explain her actions to her mother when she actively is doing something that’s deemed to be bad?
Don’t know.
Overall this story was weak. Without motive, likability of its characters, or a strong direction this show wants to take in ANY direction, it flops harder than a fùtbol player.
At the end of the second season, you are left with a cliffhanger. The issue is there is NO resolution provided to stage the characters up for the next season. It left me more frustrated and feeling like I had wasted my time as opposed to wondering what’s next for the characters. If there is no victories for the characters, what motive does the individual have to continue viewing. I felt myself feeling more and more like finishing the show was a tedious chore given to me to stay busy. That has a lot to do with the weak plot and even weaker developed characters. They have the charisma and likability of a wet paper towel on screen. I can’t say there was one character that actually stuck out to me that I was rooting for the ENTIRE TWO SEASONS.