Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire" continues the epic Monsterverse saga, following up on the explosive events of "Godzilla vs. Kong." In this new installment, Godzilla and Kong must unite against a colossal, previously undiscovered threat hidden within Hollow Earth. This threat, led by the tyrannical Skar King, poses a danger not only to their existence but to the entire world.
The film delves deeper into the histories and origins of these Titans, exploring the mysteries of Skull Island and beyond. The narrative involves characters such as Dr. Ilene Andrews, Jia, Titan veterinarian Trapper, and conspiracy podcaster Bernie Hayes. Together, they journey to Hollow Earth, where they encounter the surviving Iwi tribe, who communicate telepathically and are connected to the ancient Titans.
A key plot element involves Kong discovering a prototype exoskeletal glove to heal his frostbitten limb, while Godzilla absorbs cosmic radiation, enhancing his powers. The climax sees Godzilla, Kong, and Mothra battling Skar King and Shimo, an ice-powered Titan. The resolution includes the destruction of the crystal controlling Shimo, who then switches sides to help defeat Skar King.
The film is directed by Adam Wingard and features a cast including Rebecca Hall, Brian Tyree Henry, and Dan Stevens. It combines action, fantasy, and sci-fi elements to continue the Monsterverse legacy​