To be honest, i went because I have a regal pass and am a fan of Jeremy, but let me tell you. I cried at the end and held back tears multiple times. I'm not a fan of WWE and had no idea about the Von Erick family but the movie and message are beautiful. It depictions of mental health struggles, particularly for men, and the stigmas that follow, the love between brothers, and the toxic corruption and control of a father. As the youngest of 4 siblings, I can not imagine losing all of them so tragically. I honestly never saw highschool musical of any other Zac Efron films, but this was a spectacular preformance.
For me the movie come full circle when Kevin tells pam that he's the second oldest and one day his older brother wasn't there to play with anymore to at the end when he's watching his son play and he cries, only for them to say that its ok to cry and that they will be his brothers. For the first time since David's passing, Kevin plays.