I don't understand how some people can Come into your business and be so f****** Disrespectful, and ignorant. When walking or coming into someone else's property and being si disrespectful the way that the Les family handles it so professionally and some of the things the psycho clients behave is so truly appalling period. Les and his family handle everything so Poised and professionally. Bravo to all of the Less family crew.They are not gonna back down. They handle everything the way I would. Disrespectful clients arriving into you're home, your business and continually Disrespecting me and my family and then they expect them to bend over backwards for them. praise your family. Thank you for sticking to your true colors and your own. Because you need to show the world that nobody can come into your home. Your business and tell you what to do with your lives. Crazy guys. I hope to 1 day meet all of you. Have a wonderful rest of the year.