I just found out about it recently and was really excited about it, only for it to be quite a disappointment. Background graphic isn't animated well, you can tell when it's fake, like you're suddenly back in 2010 or something. Characters are actually well chosen, but sadly only a little time for the background stories to properly understand the characters, or the character structure of many characters, the 'constriction' from mother to daughter like in the first part with Mal and her mother. Btw, Cinderella's hair is blonde and not blue, Ursula's sister was called Morgana, and the Queen of Hearts always had white makeup on her face with hearts around her eyes, right? The outfits and wigs look cheap and the music and dances of the characters remind me personally of those from Tiktok and not like the songs from the previous films. I can understand that you want to reach a new target group, but personally as a fan I found the songs and dances from part 1-3 better because they weren't dependent/inspired by the media and were more catchy. The storyline was okay, the ending just didn't really make much sense, since the magical cookbook was always enchanted and can't be opened by the wrong hands. The trap would have been triggered either way when Uma's aunt stole this book has. They would all still have frozen and Merlin would have still caught them. So the whole plot, the time travel, doesn't really make sense. The plot would have made more sense if there had been a plot twist and Ella (Cinderella) had stolen Red and Chloe's magical cookbook to bake these horrible evil muffins and given them to her best friend Bridget (Queen of Hearts) to present to her Humiliating Charming at the ball and sparking the 'Villian' out of Bridget. (Because they both looked like they had a crush on Charming) In my opinion, it would have made more sense to do a plot twist like that instead of just making the bad guys the bad ones and letting the good ones behave. I usually never write reviews about films, but this one was boring and just didn't make any sense to me.