I enjoyed this movie! I realized, however, I’m traumatized by MKS’s other movies … I literally was waiting for a twist until the credits rolled - literally thought the remaining people would get hit my an oncoming 18-wheeler in a real Final Destination type ending 😩 of course after a MKS movie you run to read a breakdown of the movie to make sure you caught all the hidden messaging - I was happy to see I didn’t miss a twist! A lot of the reviews address this glaring departure from MKS transition. But still, a good movie!!! Don’t want to be more of a spoiler - but the “inversion” of the horseman - loved it! And per usual - I love how MKS takes the unimaginable, the far reaching, the myth and folklore - and makes it sooooo real and believable!! Aside from his twist - MKS is really great at making you believe and experience the unbelievable-he makes the experience realistic without it seeming like a gimmick! Just like in the Unbreakable trilogy …. It’s just realistic enough to be believable as hell!
I know there are mixed reviews! But I’m a huge MKS fan and this did not disappoint!