Honestly, one of the big things everyone was complaining about (being that the story is fairly flat, pacing, etc.) didn’t bother me. I didn’t need a deep story explaining the lore and birth of the mushroom kingdom. (Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a good story with twists and turns, I just didn’t think it was fully necessary). Yes, it was fast-paced but I also again didn’t mind that. One cliche I’m tired of in movies is characters feeling a constant urge to explain everything all the time. (SPOILER: The kong kingdom didn’t need to explain why they have a kart making factory, and I was so glad for that! Why should they explain it when their kingdom is essentially a highway system? Of course there’s a car factory!) and the fact that there’s just a lot of “okay, got it” made me so happy so we could just focus on progression. Was there room for character growth? Absolutely, and I feel a sequel could potentially address that. Maybe Luigi trying to toughen up and getting caught up in some mayhem? Honestly, Illumination and Nintendo have a great set up to continue this, and I fully enjoyed it. If you’re a Mario fan, GO CHECK THIS OUT! Soundtrack was beautiful, animation was stunning all around. And “Peaches” is the best song of all time. I absolutely was smiling the whole time and plenty of kids around me were too. I don’t typically go see movies in theaters, but I had to make the exception here and I honestly may go again!