The movie is an eye-opener to the MCU, dragging the attention away from Earth's Mightiest Heroes for a while and bringing up a fresh and robust team-up in the cosmic arena of comic book movies, a genre rarely explored before this releases.
James Gunn nails the job of connecting C-Lister heroes that are now pop culture icons (especially star-lord).
Great humour, visuals, action, music, score and cast performances go hand in hand with the direction. It also holds a great imdb score of 8.1.
The most eye opening characters are star-lord, Yondu, Drax and Thanos who terrifies his daughters and the antagonist Ronan.
Though it falls prey to the MCU villain problem, it has a good MacGuffin in the form of an Orb.
It also enlists family values in a unique way uncommon in the genre of comic book movies and has some rude comments which are great!