What a let down. I have been waiting for this movie so long and what a disappointment! It’s very cartoonish the dialogue is a cliche to all war movies . You barely get to know the historic figures in this film as it’s jumping from one place to another . I mean who can make Pearl Harbor look boring????? Midway can. ....
For me the worst was Ed skrein. His god awful attempt at a New Jersey Accent just was so over the top annoying I could not get past it and was hoping the whole time that the Japanese would take him out . He was a major contributor to why this movie is so bad and boring . The only hope for redemption for war movies is the World War 1 movie “1917” which opens limited Christmas Day . I truly hope it will live up to its trailer and not be such a let down as Midway. Midway could have been so good. It’s an incredible story worthy of a great retelling by film but this is not it. I give it a “C” that’s for the special effects