The basic plot holes are there can't be that enough room to have an entire continent strolling along and eating other these tiny little continents that pack up and leave once threatened. As if one continent coming and eating up other little continents is an analogy for war. If they'd spent more time talking about invasive cultures getting rid of at absorbing little nuances are fun things of other cultures that vanish in these other cultures. That would be cool. But they didn't do that instead they flashed up this huge nonsense about these candy driven machines that goblet other machines. And make the people their own slaves. If they drop more on here we have a culture and we're invading your culture and getting rid of the cool things of your culture that used to be cool and actually could have improved our culture? That would have been nice to show how certain things in other cultures are suddenly lost forever that could have been helpful. But they didn't do that. Instead they turned it into this stupid show about cities on wheels which would need a heck of a lot of flat land mass in order for this to work. No mountains no uninhabitable to rain no ravines. Kind of unbelievable in that aspect.