First off, even though this is obviously a film that is supported by technology, and phone calls..
I was instantly annoyed by the overly repetitive amount of ringing devices in this film.
They should have "ducked" the audio to take the annoyance away a bit. And they didn't.
The worst thing you can ever do in filmmaking is annoy or confuse your audience. Big No-No.
Upon witnessing Scream (2022) I quickly noticed the ridiculously large amount of "Product Placement" being used in this film.
There is also an overly obvious attempt to show the viewer that it is a "modern version" of the franchise. This is done by referencing nearly every brand of social media available.
It is so obviously done that it becomes tacky.
The reason for this approach is to make the movie seem different and high tech.
In reality, it is merely just trying to take your attention away from the quite bland storyline.
Although I commend the "breaking the 4th wall" approach, it is very overly used.
We get it, you're trying to be clever.
And it is clever, to an extent.
After this is done over and over, it starts to go beyond being clever and into annoyance.
However, the kill scenes were pretty brutal.
Some even a bit shockingly brutal for a modern day horror film. And that's why it scored 3 stars.
There were also a few lines that give you a bit of a "chuckle" here and there. Which is entertaining.
I rate this film 3/5 Stars.
Overall, It is a decent watch. And entertaining.
There is nothing particularly special about Scream (2022) but it does give the viewer a somewhat nostalgic feeling.
This is done by using some of the same cinematography methods and placing the scene in similar locations. (Particularly The Kitchen).
Give it a watch in the cinema. Or stream it...
Expect to be mildly entertained!
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