I really wanted to like this movie but it just feels far off from the first two movies. They probably should have left this movie alone if it was just gonna end with Mike being able to turn his experience as a dancer/stripper into a musical all because he had help/fell in love with a rich woman.
Its mostly scenes with him and Salma Hayek’s character being in a turbulent relationship, fighting and making up. And only a few montages about them working on the show.
From the first two movies, he’s always made things happen on his own and then that shift from that to this is just underwhelming. Its a scattered plot, a cheesy one at that. People aren’t watching Magic Mike for romance and that’s why its disappointing. Not everything has to have a touch of love just for someone to make something out of their lives. People came to see Magic Mike, not a cheesy romcom you managed to see while flipping through channels.