The game isn’t everything it was hyped up to be nor meet my own personal expectations after how much I loved part 1. It isn’t exactly everything it offered up in its E3 representations either. BUT, that being said, putting that all aside the game is extremely fun and just on the cusp of amazing, like just on the outside looking in on amazing. If I had seen no prior marketing to compare this too and didn’t know what I wasn’t getting that was shown at E3 or even in DL1, I would be more than pleased to play this game. The fun, charm, and aesthetic of this game paired with the hours and hours and hours worth of current and future content is well worth the price and purchase. I would give it 3.5 if I could, but only being able to operate in full stars it’s definitely more deserving of the higher option if you are debating between 3 and 4. Plus, I’ll give it a bump for my personal love for the franchise.