Possible, slight spoiler alert:
As I watch the first five episodes, I found myself thinking this isn’t too bad. There were a lot of scenes, a lot of parts that lacked credibility, but worse than that, they were just stupid, dumber than a bag of rocks. That being said, I still stayed with the first five episodes. I had to take a break but was looking forward to coming back to see the sixth episode. And that just totally ruined it for me. So much of it, the final episode, was quite blatantly hard to believe it. Anybody would be this stupid to write this stuff. I don’t understand what kind of mindset and Hollywood what kind of director can’t see the inconsistencies the total lack of any realism. I’ll mention one Seen. I will keep it vague so as not to spoil the movie for someone Who is watching it for the first time? I guess that’s impossible because it’s already spoiled.
The bad guys are in the middle of the town on the main street. There are two people on a rooftop with Winchester repeatable rifles and both know how to shoot. The head of the bad guys is right in front of them and they don’t shoot. I don’t want to say anymore than that for now. But there were literally dozens and dozens of one stupid scene after another in the last episode.
Completely ruined this series for me. I mistakenly recommended it to someone before I watch the last episode and had to text them to retract my recommendation.
Pardon any grammatical errors I am too tired and not interested in spending any more time on this to go back and double check my wordage and grammar.