I was truly expecting more from this game. I paid 70$ for the Wild Area. The story was dull, customization is just a fancier version of Sun and Moons, but they had dye shops. This game doesn't.
Towns are shallow, and have nothing to them. They look unique and interesting but that is about it, there is absolutely nothing to do in them. Buildings that look massive from the outside, limit you to a single floor or a very poorly made rooms with terrible backdrops behind the windows. Even when you do find a house, it's just the same model copied and pasted over and over with the only uniqueness being the person inside.
Pokécamp is a joke, you can't pet your Pokémon(Even though they still ask to be in battle?) Each ball is the same ball but tweaked to sound and look a bit different but function the same as the original.
They didn't put any heart into this game. No heart at all.
I wouldn't recommend this game to a fan, not unless you want to be disappointed..