This is a compelling read. Whether you like or dislike Cardinal George Pell, the quest for truth and justice is the right of every person who faces the legal system. This book examines the social climate, the corruption of the Victorial Police (don't forget that Lawyer X is playing out at the same time as the trials against George Pell). The Royal Commission into institutional abuse is in full swing and not following its own standards. It is clearly prejudical against one institution - The Catholic Church - forget what happend to children in the care of the Salvo's, the Scouts, Surf Life Saving Clubs etc.... the evil is centred in one institution according to the flawed deliberations of the Royal Commission. This book presents a clear examination of the facts. It takes the reader step by step through the social and political mechanations of Victoria Police and the prejudice of media personalities and companies - the ABC and Louise Milligan et al... A crucial question that the judicary failed to address was "Could George Pell receive or be given a fair trial in Victoria?" Given Daniel Andrews and his left wing politics, the ABC's hatred and prejudice towards George Pell, the Murdoch Press and its constant "selective" reporting and the evil corruption at the highest levels of Victoria Police... there was no way that he could receive a fair trial.
Louise Milligan should be held accountable for her most inaccurate (if only she did some basic fact checking) book 'Cardinal'. She added to the storm rising against Cardinal George Pell... her hatred is pulpable in every inaccurate page of her book. Accountability is the benchmark for any 'investigative journalist' and she fails in a spectacular way! Her book is trash, lies and inaccuracies - only good for use as toilet paper in a pandemic.
Keith Windschuttle's book - although I do not agree 100% with his analysis is a very good, very accurate and well researched work, that everyone should read to be able to strike a balance in the understanding of this matter. It is a must, it is your duty to be informed with accurate information... here is an opportunity to be informed.