"Leaving Neverland" is a one-sided, spastic ego-trip of a film, that can barely be considered a documentary. Our legal system would consider this film much closer to fiction as there is not a thing about it that would hold up in court, besides the fact that a case would never be brought to trial simply because Michael is already dead. This is a clear disrespect for the dead and a clear case of white privilege gone astray. These boys were no longer getting what they wanted and now they want to talk bad about a dead man. Not ok. This film is a totally biased account of things that MAY have happened 40 years ago. Even Biblical scholars are suspicious of accounts of the life of Jesus written closer after the events than this! This film is just oral accounts by six to ten year old children who were this age over 30 years ago. If people can argue that the new testament is not a reliable source, then this "documentary" is certainly not reliable!