A masterpiece!
Mr. Banks hooked me in with "The Wasp Factory" in 87/88 (?).
Never ever let me down...
"Player of Games"? A brilliant tale. A go-to read every year or so.
' The Culture' ?
" Yeah, we are a bunch-a-dizzy-kids-in-space.....But,
Ye dinnae wanna f$%&k with us!!!
A movie w/ either; Ewan McGregor, Matt Damon, Leo DiCaprio, Daniel Craig, or, David Tennant
This is John Le Carre in space.
This is Alan Fursts' "Dark Star"
This is "Medieval "Total War"
This is "Civilisation" II or III
This is Phillip K. Dicks' "The Man in the High Castle".
This is something Irvine Welsh could write the screenplay for, and do it justice!
Sadly missed Mr. Banks.