Watched this with my 9 yo daughter and she exclaimed "here goes the gay thing again!" I was shocked but understood. Then she asked how the commander had a kid if she was gay -_- no answers here. I agree that the Lgb+ lifestyle is being pushed on these children's cartoons. I'm not against the lifestyle but trying to explain it is beyond my scope.
The movie itself was not well thought out. Making buzz the bad guy, really? And his army of misfits were very annoying. The best thing about this movie was the cat and even he seemed out of place at times.
I don't know, it definitely was NOT the feel good family fun show I thought it would be. It lacked everything I love about Pixar movies: light-hearted fun and humor. This was pretty dark and not written very well. I basically rate movies based on if I'd want to watch them again and I definitely wouldn't. Sorry but this movie was a swing and a miss.