First off let me say that I have been a fan of historical romance, and period pieces for longer than I care to think about. I was extremely excited to see that One of my favorite authors of historical romance Julia Quinn, was having Her “Bridgerton”books made into A series by Netflix....... I was totally disappointed! This was not an adaptation of the books, nor could it be described as a period piece,This is fantasy pure and simple.There were No black Dukes, Duchesses, etc. in the upper echelon’s of 1814 British society. This was simply Netflix pandering to the “woke”generation, and another desperate attempt by someone to try and change history!To anyone who is thinking of watching this… Please take a word of advice, read the books Before you watch this, Because believe me, the books are so much better than this! I do hope that someday, someone will have the foresight to take some of the Romance writers work seriously… it’s a wonderful genre and there are so many talented authors with works that could be made into some really wonderful movies/series… I have something to say to Netflix… Did you learn nothing from the success of Virgin River? People like a feel good story, With a good guy hero, and a heroine, that actually has a brain. It doesn’t make any difference how lavish The sets/costumes… you need a good storyline, And not just a series of one bed hopping scene After another… you need to be as historically accurate as you can be!And yes, I do realize that they are sex scenes in the books, but in between the sex scenes there is dialogue, humor and an actual story… and I know that there are people out there who will say “well she’s just a racist”… No… I am a reader… And it is heartbreaking To see the work of a talented author like Julia Quinn have their work,And all of their careful historical research turned into this drivel… It’s Movies/series like Bridgerton on Netflix, they give Romance writers and readers everywhere a reputation for writing and reading “fluff“… I was really excited when I first read about this… I thought That finally someone somewhere had realized what a treasure trove of Movies/series could be found in historical romance… But if this is what you’re going to turn it in to, I for one would be happier if you didn’t make any more!