The movie began as a deep dive starter, tossing us into the middle of the protagonist (betty anne waters) at her law school, this artistic beginning indulges the user in it’s rustic and documentary style setting. The story was very well laid out and portrayed, the emotions of the people involved were reflected due to the very brief yet through introductions to the characters the audience can emotionally appeal and relate to all the characters involved. The law aspect as displayed by the movie displays that the law can also make a mistake but is also fair to all of its users, it also shows how importantly technology ties in with the system, also the aspect of displaying how the main character Betty Anne Waters balances her life with personal, student and professional life is very intriguing. The movie did justice to all of the people involved in that incident and was able to give the consumer a good look at how the legal system works. Now, sometimes the movie’s aspects were dragged on, the movie felt longer in those moments. But they were quickly changed by the well scripted plot progression.