BEST movie I have EVER seen. I’m 100% serious. I loved the other 2 Deadpool movies. As soon as I heard this was going to be a multiverse movie I was a bit worried for the franchise seeing how lackluster the last few have been. But this movie handled it surprisingly well even taking a few jabs at the whole multiverse idea. It was consistently hilarious and had the theater laughing often. I couldn’t wipe a grin off my face as hard as I tried. End credit scene was peak. engaging story, fun callbacks, tva. What’s not to love.
I have one slight issue with the movie and that’s just because I’m a nerd.
I’m the finale when they have to blow up the time ripper by connecting the matter and antimatter capsules, paradox explains that antimatter will atomize whoever decides to do it. That is improper terms. Every atom in their body would be annihilated into pure energy. Rather atomized, where they would be reduced to atoms. Also when wolverine punctured the antimatter storage device. That was a lot of antimatter, the whole city would be destroyed, if not the world. Rather than what happened, a slow warm up followed by a pretty tame explosion.
This is me just being nit picky about a topic I’m passionate about which was mentioned in the movie. Still peak. I understand it was cinimatised. I don’t mind that much