I've not fully beaten the game so don't use this review as my thoughts for the full game, but DOOM 2016 is a fun game! If you've played any doom games you'll probably like this game, though it is more like the older games then like Eternal. DOOM 2016 is a shooter where you have to use your arsenal to your fullest extent to succeed, though its not as demanding of your arsenal like Eternal. (Like I said, don't take this review as the full game as I've not unlocked the full arsenal and this point could be made irrelevant.) As someone who has played lots of Eternal if you want more DOOM Eternal you should really get this game! Playing it after playing Eternal you can really see all of the ground work put in for DOOM 2016 that Eternal used to expand upon, like the runes system, the weapon mods. and the auto map. Unlike Eternal however, DOOM 2016 is more gritty, dark, and scary. (Weird thing to say seeing as both are gory shooters lol) The game will have you unlocking your arsenal just like in Eternal, but the arsenal that you get is lessened from Eternal. Every Hell Knight and Mancubus encounters will have you more scared then in Eternal, mostly thanks to their more "hellish" designs then previous games (excluding DOOM 3, those demons in that game are SUPER scary lol), with the Hell Knights having no eyes visible and only a smooth, fleshy knob present, and the Mancubus having one green, beady eye with huge, metal plates on it. The other factor to making them more feared then in Eternal is because of the massive damage they will put out if you aren't playing to your absolute best. The same point could be made for Eternal's Heavy demons as well, but since (If I remember correctly) the only Heavy Demons you encounter up until getting the dash (not in DOOM 2016, making the demon encounters feel more "closed in") are the Cacodemons, and Arachnotrons, who can be easily killed if you know their weak spots and are even more easily killed after getting the dash the point isn't as valid in Eternal. (Even if they do dish out high damage, the dash is a really small "get out of free card", which isn't present in DOOM 2016.) Because of this, DOOM 2016 feels more like a "generic" shooter then Eternal, but even still its a good game. Check it out if you like the DOOM games, or just arsenal shooters in general!