“Expressing Completely my Own view”
“ Hype Trap”
A great deal of disappointment, Unreal and extreme Negativity throughout the film.
Should have mentioned, saying “Sorry” may be not appropriate, however, forcing that “Little Girl” to stop Performing and Lock her up may causes enormous damage mentally since her innocent childhood which will concern her future.
On the other hand, it was wonderfully Directed and Acted, highly appreciated for the effort and team work.
Being “Feminist” never against or opposing the effort of Male.
Adding, Fail to Portrait the concept or motive which made Rehana such an “Anti Male Guardianship”.
At last, I am not judging the story. I may be not that Intellectual or knowledgeable, but spreading “Positive Massage” could help a large number of people to find themselves in the right footsteps.
#peace ✌🏽