I am a fan of Rose McIver. The concept of this show seems solid. So I had high hopes. It has been fairly disappointing, though. It has its moments, and is occasionally funny. But the old-school "Bewitched" style weekly mishap model is played out. They could do so much more here. The show also has some socially regressive components that make it awkward, to say the least, at times. How many jokes about children dying in factories during The Gilded Age are we supposed to chuckle at? And why is there an underclass of ghosts relegated to the basement who are ignored, and denied even a simple request for a light left on? An underclass who, we are told on the show, "ruin" democracy by voting. I find it baffling on some levels. I really like the actor who plays Sassipis, but find it kind of offensive that as a Native American ghost his character is denied any cultural identity other than his appearance. All the other ghosts exhibit aspects of their culture and era -- even the Viking who speaks like a cave man -- but both Sassipis and Chiki are relegated to dead-pan modern language and absolutely no historic or cultural quirks. Again, baffling choices. I wish this was a better show. It is watchable, I guess. But it always seems to be just skimming the surface of its potential.