Never underestimate the power of a fool with a cause and never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. They are equally as dangerous.
Jeff is a classic vampire preying on the weak, introverted, less vocal people who are looking for inclusion, a community and long time partners. His agenda is so transparent in this documentary. How he and that moronic wife of his sleep at night is beyond comprehension.
Let me save you all the suspense, Isolation, separation and feeling less than plagues most of the world's problems, which is why we have so much hatred, violence, racism, addiction, trauma and self-righteousness.
You are the flame; it is fire you seek and that is one's life journey. No one completes you, but you. Honestly, it has been my experience that your failed relationships are a part of your work to figure out who you are and what you are here to do. You can have many twin flames in a life time. There is no prince on a white horse or a princess in a tower waiting to be rescued. You are the warrior on the horse and you are the Queen who owns the castle, if you choose. and maybe one day, you will have an equal partnership when both of you are whole and crystal clear of who your life's purpose.
Honestly, the criminal, vindictive, soul slaying behavior the founders have repeatedly done to their unknowing followers, its a wonder no one has not put a bullet in their heads and let me be clear here, I am a pacifist and wish them no physical harm but they have STOLEN these people's money, self worth and their families love and trust. They should be held accountable. They are multi-millionaires solely on the expense of destroying others.
I am very proud of all of the survivors who walked away.
You are my heroes.