As soon as Phil was going to take his anger out on a horse, that was it for me.
I moved past it to see how George and Rose would do. I feel extremely sad for Rose and her son. Phil is too mean to watch. Everyone just acts weird. I keep wondering, Why?
I keep waiting for more to happen. I wonder if Rose will become an alcoholic or maybe have a baby to cherish and love. Can she be happy? Will Phil just lay off and leave her alone, though he hasn't really done anything much to her. George continously acts scared, skittish and odd. I think a lot of it is because he dislikes how Phil acts and he is scared of Phil. At least George shows Rose some kindness, but Rose continues to act awkward and over emotional.
I might just skim through the rest of it to see if anything ever happens.
From the comments I've read, there doesn't seem to be any kind of good conclusion or closure.