SPOILER ALERT. this movie is not really all hype like it seemed after all, most of the movie micheal was not apart of it was just some kid named cory that pretended to be micheal by going around in his mask killing the people that basically bullied him, his mom, his dad, the group of kids that bullied him, and random people that bullied him. in the end cory attempts to stab himself in the throat of which did not kill him completely until micheal came in and ended him off. in the movie it never showed micheals face, it showed a side view of his face so dont listen to people when they say it did. micheal was mostly weak and old and didnt seem like the micheal myers everyone thought he would be. he gets beat up by his sister just by getting stabbed in different body parts multiple times, than getting a slit in the throat, its dumb. in the end micheal dies completely because everyone threw him in a spinning thing that crushed his body up into small pieces. do not listen to the 5 star reviews, more than likely its bots or people getting paid to write a 5 star review, its not 5 stars, its more like a 1-2 star movie. its also longer than it should be, almost all of the movie could fit in a 30 minute clip. its just a bunch of boring un-needed things. so trust me when i say dont watch this move. trust me, im black.