This film is terrible. The characters have no personality, the dialogue is meaningless and blank, Thumbelina is treated like an object, manipulated by everyone and within seconds of meeting a stranger, she instantly falls in love and trusts him with her life. The characters have no individuality and the only purpose for them it seems is for the plot. They don't bring anything unique for the story, they simply exist. They are SO one dimensional. Then we get to the songs, which are incredibly cringy and horrible, about topics that are talked about in disney a lot like following your heart and wanting to explore the world, but it is so cliche and it serves no meaning. Overall, this movie is a bad influence for younger audiences as it enforces the idea that girls should be saved and sweeped off their feet within seconds of meeting somebody, and it is hard to believe that it wasn't a 5th grader who wrote the script for this.