The entire movie evolves around a 23-year-old girl named "Kate" who has a sixth sense about tornadoes and can seemingly predict when and where they are going to be and she has never wrong about anything. Her name "Kate" is said so many times throughout the movie it became ridiculously annoying. There is nothing particularly special about "Kate"
She's not super attractive at all and there's not much to like about the characters personality overall either. But she knows more about tornadoes than even the computer data. She's a tornado savant. The plot of this movie is so ridiculous too, the villain of the movie is this real estate developer. All of the dudes in the movie are simps. They're all falling over themselves trying to impress "Kate" for some reason. It's just nauseating. This hand the potential to be a really cool sequel to the original however in typical Hollywood fashion they dropped the ball and produced utter garbage. Hollywood keeps putting lipstick on a pig in the hopes that won't notice.