I love all of the actors. They did their best. Terrible story line, all over the place, Michael barely had screen time and terrible lines. Not enough comedy. I feel like they were overreacting to recreate an iconic movie. Then there was the musical scene. The worst choice in a song and way too long. Not sure what Burton was thinking overall on this one. I want my money back and if you saw it you should ask for your money back too. Just awful.
I keep seeing people post how good it was, how it mirrors the original, how it is a real Burton movie, blah blah blah.
Did WE watch the same movie? Were you all on Acid or K? Seriously, there were 3 different storylines! No concrete beginning middle or end to the theory behind any of them.
The underworld was a complete joke. Let’s not even get started about that lame a$$ song and dance. That old looney toons cartoon with the frog singing hello my baby hello my honey would have been more entertaining than this scene.
It seemed more like a Netflix “Wednesday” episode. Omg and Lydia and Her mom’s characters are wimps. Nothing of their true selves from the 80’s. It’s like the multiverse took over and completely eliminated the 80’s feel from these characters. Ughh. Ok I’ve said enough.