I think it’s crappy to penalize someone for using personal belongings on episode 14… when in episode 21 I believe the Indian twins basically stole money from the other contestants the rockers. When they knew it was a contestants money. I get fair game but bartering to pay a bill with personal belongings I think is fair. But apparently promoting stealing when you know who the rightful owner was… and you don’t get kicked off the show? Immediately… that’s just showing it’s ok to steal. Bartering has been from the beginning of time. I’m glad those spoiled brats lost. Karma is a bitch! Go back to daddy princesses. They probably don’t have a job and can’t do crap for themselves. Twinnies. I would love to do this show… if they didn’t allow stealing from people. There are some morals in a race. And stealing on a nationally broadcast show is not ok. Those girls should have been kicked off immediately. If you know the owner in the USA you return. Literally promoting stealing. If you steal in other countries you lose appendages. Shame on those girls… but I guess they will go back to daddy… again my question you can’t give your personal items to pay a debt which is honest. But begging for money you can do? If short of money? Just the USA :.. before money for free. To gain something. But giving what you have to pay to make whole us not ok? Like seriously. No wonder the US is the way it is. Even reality shows promote it. While on this show constants gave been robbed and lost the race. Amazing race penalize people on the show for stealing. It’s not promoting positive energy. It’s a game I get it if stealing is fair game in rules then you need to re think things. Play dirty u turns etc. but don’t penalize for barter and trade isn’t that part of it? Survival if you let stealing go on then barter and trade should be ok. They still paid for services. But you can allow stolen money to pay for taxi or food? Wtf