I joined less than a year ago. When bots were rampant and casual wasn't an option. I didn't know how to use community servers for up to two months. I was limited to training and the occasional casual game. I should have hated the game since I wasn't able to play it right... But I loved it! Since then I have gotten so much better at the game, I'm no longer a f2p, and I have 4 twocities tours. I participated in the save tf2 movement. This game, is my favorite game of all time. And that's the thing. Despite me joining in the worst time of this game's life, it was still able to get so much enjoyment out of me. Funny enough, I was never super into the fps genre and I still am not. But tf2 is the outlier. Valve made magnum opus of fps games, heck, of video games in general, and they are letting it die. Valve is a horrible company. #savetf2