A lot of potential, pretty bad execution.
This movie isn't as terrible as critics say, it moreso just doesn't give much to take from at the end. It follows the plot of a bored and apathetic young woman looking for something inspiring to write about, which reflects our second main character who seems to have given up on his writing career. They understand each other out of a childish longing but not much else, leaving their relationship feeling empty and unfinished.
What's interesting is that the two main characters seem to have more fulfilling connections with everyone around them than each other, and yet they still try to form a bond. It feels forced, and if this was done stylistically it could've made for a perceptive take on adolescence and life regrets, however I found a lot of scenes dragged on or were very random and both the main characters irritated me!! This is far from erotic, the scenes made me a little uneasy (which is good) but I don't recommend watching this if you're looking for a kick. It's forgettable and takes a lot of chewing to get flavour out of, but I do appreciate the aesthetics and hope this inspires similar, better films in the future.