This was so atrocious lmaoo. My friend who is a huge Jason Stathem fan was super excited for this and dragged me to the movie but wow this was so terrible it was almost funny. I had no clue about it before that, except knowing that it was an action movie. My friend after around half hour or so in, despite being huge fan a couldn’t take it anymore and offered to leave. But we’d paid big buck so I proposed we see it through. And it was well, like a train wreck, so horrible yet one simply couldn’t look away… the plot and writing was so terrible, the lines so cringe and the character were such poor caricatures, It almost felt like a parody of the typical Hollywood action movie. it would have honestly worked great as a parody, if it was meant to be that. We sat the full 2hrs, just in awe of how big budget it was getting a global release and everything, despite being so terrible. Poor Jason, he really needs to pick better scripts.