Season 1 was great. The show went down rapidly with death of Ford.
It feels like it lacks original narrative from season 2 onwards. Many events seem unnecessary. Drive of Dolores to destroy human world is simply pointless. Her character is inconsistent - sometimes it lacks clarity, sometimes she's not 'operating' at full capacity (unnecessary events)
Caleb is just a beta follower who does what he is told. Man in black also lost all his lustre after s01. His role lacks aggression and often seen as forced. Maeve is one character that aged well... I guess.
Overall with shallow depth of characters and not so great story, the show becomes uninteresting after s01. I have up after watching 1st episode of s03. Then I heard there is season 04 and there are talks about bringing back season 5(?)
With all due respect, season 1 was amazing, the show simply should have ended with it. Every single episode from s02 onwards feels stretched.