As an avid Star Wars fan this is what I think of the movie: The plot is sloppy, as it was all throughout the sequels, and the script writing is just absolutely terrible. Once again, with barely any training, Rey saves the day, using force healing (which you have to be completely on the light side, one with the force, which many skilled Jedi masters with 100's of years of training could not do). Then, she uses force lighting, which you have to sell your soul to the darkside to do (even Vader couldn't do it because he wasn't completely on the darkside). And to cap it all off she wields a yellow light-saber at the end, which is only meant for Jedi with a perfect balance of the force on a physical and mystery level, which she shows throughout the sequels she does not. So, yeah this movie is just a fan-flic and I don't consider it canon.