This movie, in my view, is a lie from beginning to end. The script writers do not understand anything about science and scientists. Instead of celebrating the remarkable partnership of Pierre and Marie Curie that resulted in modern atomic physics, they offered us a "feminist" drama with a neurotic title character. Rosamund Pike put together a mediocre performance, although it is still better than everyone else's. There was no feeling of happiness, no joy of discovery that was so important for Curies, their children, and their friends. There was no mention of the friendship Marie Curie had with Albert Einstein and other great scientists. There were some spurious sequences about Hiroshima and Chernobyl -- what do they have to do with Curies, really beats me! Overall, it is very dark. After watching this movie, no girl -- or boy -- would jump up with joy and think "I want to be like Marie Curie and discover new elements or new phenomena". Instead of "Radioactive", I recommend "Madame Curie" from 1943 -- it is way more decent and truthful.