PBS has long been a fair news source. That said, I wonder how anyone can justify the conduct of Yamiche Alcindor? Her bait tactic is not only unprofessional, The statement she made is racist to the core. I don't believe that racism is a white only problem. Black people are coming to the conclusion that the Democratic party has not done anything at all to stop racial bias. If these groups like Black Lives Matter really wanted to stop the problem of young black s being shot by police. They are doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing. The democrats and the black lives matter group themselves make these kids afraid of the police. So instead of doing what they should do pull over and listen to the officer and follow his commands. Then everyone goes home alive. No they convince these children from a young age that the police are their enemy and they should be afraid of them. Then when they are put in a situation where they are being pulled over or police are needing to talk to them they panic and run. If Black lives matter really wanted to accomplish the goal of stopping young blacks or for that matter anyone being shot by police or police being shot by people. They should start teaching our children that the police are not their enemy they are there to protect them. As far as the questions asked by the reporter to President Trump. She should not be allowed to be a reporter.
If I ran a company and one of my employees acted like this person did. I would fire them immediately. I don't care what color she is.
Her remark is a racist as anything I've heard recently.
If you want the truth try CAAP (coalition of African American pastors, Diamond and Silk, Dr, Athena King niece of Martin Luther King. listen to what they are saying.
Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear!
The best response I have ever heard by a American of any color to "When Was America Great' his answer is stunning!!
It just so happens this man is black. It was on Breitbart, A LEFTIST ASKED HIM "WHEN WAS AMERICA GREAT".