If you want to drive on one of the best engineering world wonders take
Chesapeake bay bridge and tunnel links virginia beach / norfolk and Virginiaeastern shore save 90 miles vs 1-95 its also known East Coast Scenic shortcut built on Atlantic Ocean
Requires EZpass for all discounts $200 millions revenue bonds sold to finance the project in 1960 and in 1964 within 42 months the chesapeake bay and tunnel opened and ferries were discontinued .
This project was selected as one of the seven engineering wonders of the Modern world In 1995 it was decided to convert the 2 into 4 lane facility and it was in1999 that 4 lane started .
All types of vehicles can ply on this road which include 2 axle , 4 tire vehicle includingpasswnger cars , pick up trucks panel truckminibus and upto 6 axle , and special over dimension vehicles tarrifs are different for all vehicles
height restriction is 13feet and six inches
Cbbt offers driver assistance also
Payments accepted in cash , credit cards american express and EZ pass
You can stop and marvel the scenic overlook binoculars are available
Tunnel is and bridge is 17.6 miles deive
You will love the view and the ride and the quietness
Have a safe ride
Vehicles are charged differently for off peak and Peak hours so check and return trip within 24 hours for EZ pass
Have safe journey