As a huge fan of the Hotel Transylvania movies, this movie was a huge disappointment.
Overall, it was very boring and painful to get through. The only amusing parts were the scenes of Drac’s transformed friends. Any part that got me to actually laugh, would have been thanks to them. Spade, James, and Buscemi carried this movie on its very last legs.
Johnny was dumbed down to a complete idiot. He’s never been the brightest, but was always just foolish and oblivious enough to make you laugh. The Johnny in this one is dumbed down to the point that every action he makes is a low effort dribble of “humor”. His character is nothing but loud obnoxious dumb decisions.
Mavis appears occasionally to regurgitate her “where’s dad?” line (which seems to be the sole reason for her existence in this movie).
Mavis and Johnnys child never gets older? Just an ageless background character randomly reminding you of his existence.
Drac WASNT Sandler. His new voice actor didn’t do bad though. Occasionally you can hear the difference, but overall Hull did good. As for the character himself, Drac was missing his irreplaceable “I’m better than everyone” attitude, wittiness, and smart *** replies. His over-the-top reactions are usually fun to see, but fell flat without any witty joke to back it up. Like Johnny, he suffered being dumbed down. This Drac hiding in a coffin terrified from the sun, can’t be the same irritated Drac walking around in an oversized sun hat.