This is my favorite Stephen king novel. The one from the 90s was awesome. The character and story development. I found myself on edge of seat and caring about all the characters. This year (2020) I have read it twice to prepare for the new series
This version however jumps around in the timeline. While they are still traveling to Mother Abilgails home — they are also sending spies to Vegas. The acting is so so. I’m to the point I wish the super flu had taken them all out. This is a truly poor retelling of the story. Non linear story telling works great in This is Us. It does not with the stand. I will continue to watch. I am about to do episode 5. But I am so excited for it to be over. Not because i am enjoying it but because I want to move on. I’m hoping the entire group of good guys are killed because the actors portraying them (with exception of Harold) is absolutely annoying. Especially Stu. The relationship between Nick and Tom —- no connection. They were my favorites in the original. Whoopi goldberg looks 50 years to young to play a 108 year old woman. It’s just terrible.