So many nit picky reviews over both seasons but especially season one and my thoughts are would you rather of them never to have made it? Some of these people critique it as if they could've directed it better. Amazon definitely made sure special effects in season two were top notch and I think the director's and cast have done an exceptional job both seasons! I feel Amazon has really tried to make it as good as possible and really spent some money on the effort. I liked how the story line jumped around to different characters and I felt they still built decent depth there for the most part yet I see complaints on this. You can't have a 3hr episode every week to achieve what lotr did. You have to think about what they have to cram into an hour and a season. I have looked forward to every Thursday's release for season 2. I can't wait to see the story continue in season 3. Give it a watch and see if you're glad it came to be or if you align more with some of these book snobs that feel it was an utter disgrace and a complete injustice to Tolkien.