The game is pretty meh to be honest. They literally just copied cod and made people faster and gunplay really bad. Sniper is the easiet most faceroll gun option in the game with nearly a guarenteed 1 shot kill. Shotgun drops off hard at 10ft but anything under is a 1 shot kill. There is no flinch so when you shoot a guy it is nothing to turn around and 1 tap you. Points are really easy to lock down so if you fight a group there is nothing to do but wait till its over or leave. Maps are really small again with hard choke points depending on the game mode it can really suck. I would say escost is the only new or redeeming game mode but again if you fight a group it is over. They need to do a huge rebalance on guns and make the makes a bit bigger without such easy choke points. I got this for free and I still do not want it, I would be furious if I paid for this. To be honest this is more of the small trash from Ubisoft.