Story about how a rich society does whatever they want with little consequences. It's more a drama than a horror series. Got to the 4th episode and I am bored out of my mind. One of the main characters abandoned her sick mother, even after she tried to commit suicide. That same character early on tells a guy, "nobody tells me what to do!". Then proceeds to do everything the sorority tells her to. After her mom tried to kill herself her dad tells her, "there's blood all over the kitchen floor" but when another character actually kills themselves there's barely any blood in the shower. Poorly written, I got to the fourth episode hoping it would get better but it's just too boring. Maybe it gets better later on but it just hasn't captivated me enough for me to want to find out. Only started watching it because Netflix said it was too scary to finish watching. I think people just got too bored then Netflix came to their own conclusion to why people stopped watching.