Great game.. however.. it appears they are changing a lot in it. I worried it would happen. Certain people surviving that shouldn't. Fights that never happened happening. It shouldn't be called a remake maybe Final Fantasy VII alternate universe.
The fleshing out of minor characters is great. The game play is great. The focus on the main story great.
***Spoiler*** Stop here
Biggs at the end and Jessie's gloves.. no if they are alive that is stupid. Why make some dramatic scene to only bring them back. They died .. that is it.. like what the ****
All the excessive Sepherioth battling at the end.. somewhat cool but.. it ruins the main story.. at this point nothing should be making too much since. But it's clear already he is the antagonist causing mayhem..
Cloud rejected on the second mission........................ Then ghost save the day and break Jessie's leg or whatever.. umm umm super ghost friends..
These ghost are meant to make the story go the right way??!! The story was already in the right way.. you wouldn't need them if it followed suit . Didn't have to make it to a point Barrett had a clear shot to Reno's face.. an addition not needed. But wait here come the ghost to save the day for Reno..
It is an amazing game.. the new story just isn't as good.. but none the less im looking forward to the destruction of the game..
If they wanted it to have a perfect success all they had to do was follow the orginal and it's flaws.. remake the legend for why it's a legend.. either way I'm sure this will do well either way but I had hoped for better ... Better is the orginal but maybe they will make a close second place..
Note none of the changes make it better..they make it different.. the orginal is better