The 5 stars review are just talking about how eelam tamils are mad because there is a lack of representation, and the language is butchered?! It's not one-dimensional! It's not simply about the butchering of the language, it's about the lack of political acknowledgment. It's about representing eelam Tamil people as amalgamation of South asians, she homogenized our experiences as a whole which completely dismisses the individualized suffering eelam Tamils went through. It's about profiteering, where DEPICTING the story of my people th5roigh misrepresentations, in combination with elitist and extremist supports through the SL government, provides Metha with money. Its about hoq Metha LITERALLY had the support of war criminal prime Minister Rajapakse, DURING A TIME WHERE TAMIL PEOPLE WERE SHOT AND BURIED INTO DITCHES. 2009. She didnt create this movie with genuine intentions considering the fact that that's aware of the way in which the SL government perpetuated the genocide. This film depicts a story of a gay youth, persecuted for his sexuality, BUT how can there be a film that supports LGBTQ+ community when they fail to depict the political and social implications surrounding Tamils during the genocide! Just because Shyam is mixed race doesn't excuse the fact that he participated with Metha in producing a one-sided film. Even metha's actors who are NOT Tamil has decided to speak up on the Tamil experience regarding the movie, which makes no sense to me because you can't even speak a single Tamil word properly. I have never been so disappointed, to even think that the stories of my parents, and family, are ultimately misrepresented in Metha's film but endorsed by Canadian film corps (TIFF). Metha resides in Canada, that has the biggest eelam tamil community, yet misrepresents us. And I fail to believe that she had trouble in finding Tamil actors.