Love it, I am all in with this show, and cry every episode because the story is so touching on so many levels but Mandy Moore's performance is hit and miss for me as Mom. Ditto for the actor who plays Dad and for Miguel (what's up with that hair piece?).
I have a hard time getting past seeing Mandy as a teen pop star especially since she still sounds like one when she talks even when in makeup and hair as 66 yr old Rebecca. The chronically furrowed brow of concern and whiny voice is a tad annoying, and so is the way the parents characters seem to always be at the mercy of their children's angsty attitude problems (like the tail is wagging the dog).
Just once I'd love to see the parents put their foot down and remind the kids who puts a roof over their head and food in their mouth like in RL. Just once I'd love to see the parents say anything but "okay okay" and throw their hands up submissively when the kids talk back. I just can't relate as I was raised very differently.
The family scenes of the kids growing up do remind me of the family in the 80s sitcom, Family Ties though. Families were depicted as Way more wholesome in those days. Or maybe they just were.